Day 1004 : Fire

Day 1004 : Fire

liner notes:

Professional : Even though I had 3 meetings pretty much back to back. I got some stuff done. One of the meetings was with folks that work on a product that I’m looking to incorporate in an internal hackathon project. Got to ask them some questions. My plan is to use the project also for an upcoming conference. Another meeting was with my manager. Got to demo 3 different projects I’m working on. I wanted to test one to see if it would still do the same thing with another person as when it’s just me. Yeah, it’s still doing the same thing. I’ve been going back and forth with someone from the team to see if we can troubleshoot the issue. While that kettle is on the fire, I continued to work on this hackathon project. I got the proof of concept working, now I need to work backwards undoing it because it’s supposed to be like a tutorial walkthrough. Figuring out what I can check for to see if a step has been completed has been kind of a challenge, but I think I’ve gone through the worst of it. I even made a custom code snippets section with a copy to clipboard button. I think I just need to rinse and repeat checking for different variables present for the rest of the steps.

Personal : Last night, I went through a bunch of tracks for the radio show. Even added some projects to my wishlist on Bandcamp to purchase later this week. I looked at the code for my side project’s front page and saw that I already had something. I think I’ll leave it as it is and use what I had in mind for my personal clone of the project. Realized there’s other pages on the front end that I need to finish up. I’ll be working on those. Ended the night watching an episode of “X-Men: The Animated Series”.

I think I’m going to spend like an hour to finish up the steps in the internal hackathon project. The sooner I can get it done, the sooner I can start on the part that I’ll need to rely on getting some info from some other folks. I want to give that as much time as possible. Going to prep some tracks for the radio show. I’ll probably be pretty tired to do any more coding, so I’ll watch an episode of “X-Men: The Animated Series” and call it a night.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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