Day 26 of 100 Days of Code

RMAG news

Friday, July 26, 2024

I’m still struggling with CSS but in every iteration of troubleshooting, I learn more and my code gets cleaner. Today I found that Codecademy has one more project tucked into this lesson. Fortunately, I’m taking each assignment apart, and in the end I’ll have a body of code that I can draw from. I will say that my assignments are very sharp, and hit all the specs.

I did have some meetings this morning to review my code, and I found that AI can also assist troubleshooting in a limited capacity–there are text length limits. Since I never saw a media query or CSS grid before last week, and other students in the Codecademy forums are reporting similar pain points, I’m in good company.

I do want to finish this lesson and move on. I’m aiming for completing the assessments a certain day very early next week, but we’ll see. If anyone has any questions, I’m happy to give it a go, or maybe we can walk through together. Although I’ve coded before, semantic HTML and responsive design is completely new for me, so thanks for your patience.

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