Defending working-class interests requires more than simply opposing immigration | Kenan Malik

Defending working-class interests requires more than simply opposing immigration | Kenan Malik

Trade union rights, the welfare state, austerity… these are the issues that really affect lives

‘Immigration harms British workers. We must restrict immigration to improve working-class lives.” That is the subtext – and often the explicit text – of the argument from those who are hostile to immigration or wish drastically to reduce numbers. It is an argument that has been given sharper focus by the riots in which much anger was vented towards immigrants and asylum seekers, and the majority of which took place in the most deprived regions of England.

I want to set aside the issue of whether immigration harms British workers, or, more pertinently, in what context such a claim may be true, and ask instead a different question. What other policies might we – or should we – expect critics of immigration to endorse if they are genuine in their belief that their aim is to defend working-class interests?

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