Deploy static websites and web apps everywhere in minutes with TurboCloud

RMAG news

Big cloud providers want you to think that the cloud is super complicated so they can sell their services. But that’s not true at all – the cloud is just remote machines connected together. We at LocalCloud want to simplify deployments and show that the cloud industry is overengineered nowadays.

That’s why we developed what’s probably the lightest and simplest way to deploy web projects anywhere – VPS, cloud server, dedicated server, or even on-premise. No configuration, no Git required, not even CLI setup – just go to the project’s root folder and run one command. Meet TurboCloud –

Main Advantages

Zero dependencies – your project will be available as long as your cloud provider is live
Unbelievably lightweight – one script, less than 10KB
HTTPS for custom domains
Works with WebSocket services (ws:// and wss://)
TurboCloud itself uses very few resources
Fully predictable cloud costs (with cloud providers from “Recommended Cloud Providers” below)
Zero DevOps knowledge required
Only one command to deploy from your local machine
Works with virtually any cloud provider
No Docker registry required
Zero downtime deployments

A few examples how it works

How to Deploy Static Websites

Order a VPS, cloud server, or dedicated server with a public IP address, fresh Ubuntu 22.04, and SSH access from any cloud provider (see Recommended Cloud Providers section below).
Add an A record with the IP address of your new server to your custom domain (DNS A record: or -> IP address of the server created in step 1)
In the root folder of your static website project, run the following command (replace ip_address_of_server, expose_port_from_dockerfile, and your_domain_without_http_https with the real values):

curl | sh -s — -i ip_address_of_server -d your_domain_without_http_https -t static -p expose_port_from_dockerfile

Open the URL you set with the -d flag in step 3 in your browser

How to Deploy projects with Dockerfile

Order a VPS, cloud server, or dedicated server with a public IP address, fresh Ubuntu 22.04, and SSH access from any cloud provider (see Recommended Cloud Providers section below).
Add an A record with the IP address of your new server to your custom domain (DNS A record: or -> IP address of the server created in step 1)
In the root folder of your project with Dockerfile (Dockerfile should be in the project’s root folder), run the following command (replace ip_address_of_server and your_domain_without_http_https with the real values):

curl | sh -s — -i ip_address_of_server -d your_domain_without_http_https -t dockerfile

Open the URL you set with the -d flag in step 3 in your browser

Full documentation can be found at