devblog – marketing CoreIdea

RMAG news

As someone who is new to building startups and SaaS, I am trying to learn how I can market the app efficiently. I want to get more users on the app and get more engagement with the app. So, I have been going on a deep dive to see how I can market the app effectively. And as much as I don’t want to create all these social media accounts and reach out to all of these influencers, it seems as though this is going to be required.

Other than my struggle with marketing, getting users to the app has been going well; we have officially crossed the 50-user line, and I couldn’t be happier. But, of those 50 users, 32 of those users are returning users. Which I believe is pretty good. Again, I do not expect the app to get real views and activity until the school year starts, which is around mid-August and early September.

Financially, I am saving the money that I receive for paying the apps monthly bills and also am trying to see if I can get a marketer, preferably a social media marketer, so that I can start getting a larger audience on the app. The users have given me a lot of feedback on any bugs there are so now I am focusing on improving the UI. For CoreIdea, it was my first time using Bulma and I think that it was a success. I want to learn TailwindCSS but it seems really challenging and I am not on that level with UI yet.

I have also been working on side-projects in an attempt to get more money so I can buy clothes for the new school year. I am going to a new school and have ofcially grown out of all my clothes so I have been selling python scripts on gumroad. I have no sales but I hope that it can take off soon. What this script does, it takes powerpoint files and pdfs and turns them into a .txt file with flashcards that can be uploaded to the most popular of sites. Cick here to learn more about it.

Lastly, I plan to start a YouTube channel documenting the process of making this app and doing progress reports. Overall, talking about what it’s like and how I manage it with schoolwork and soccer.

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day! Click here to learn more about CoreIdea and Click here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel…videos coming soon!

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