Duo Studio UI clone 🚀

RMAG news

🚀 Check Out My Latest Project! 🚀

I’m excited to announce my latest frontend development achievement: a stunning UI clone of the Duo Studio website! This project is a testament to my skills in creating immersive web experiences with cutting-edge animations.

🔹 Project Highlights 🔹

Dynamic Animations: Crafted with GSAP and ScrollTrigger, bringing the interface to life with smooth transitions and engaging interactions.

Modern UI Elements: Utilizing advanced CSS techniques for a sleek, professional look that stands out.

Clean, Maintainable Code: Well-structured and thoroughly commented for easy understanding and future improvements.

🔹 Technologies Used 🔹

GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)

Dive into the project on GitHub and let me know your thoughts! Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

🔗 https://sameer07x19.github.io/Duo-Studio/
🔗 https://duo-studio-web.netlify.app/