Ed Davey’s gameshow approach to election makes a modest splash

Ed Davey’s gameshow approach to election makes a modest splash

Lib Dem leader could argue ‘dignity is less important than coverage’, though he is likely unconcerned by prospect of power

Ed Davey, the leader of the Lib Dems, has had a busy week. On Monday, he conducted an interview on a spinning teacup in a funfair; on Wednesday, he tumbled into a pool at a Warwickshire water park live on the BBC – then, on Thursday, he was dressed in a linen suit and panama hat in a makeover on ITV’s This Morning.

This gameshow approach to politics is hardly new for Davey or his small party, lying fourth in election polling. A fortnight earlier, Davey fell off a paddle board into Lake Windemere in Cumbria five times in 15 minutes at a campaign event with party colleague Tim Farron.

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