Embracing Data: Documenting My Journey into Data Analytics

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I embarked on a journey into the world of data a little over a year ago. My fascination with data and AI systems has been a long-standing interest. I believe data is fundamental to everything and finds applications in every field.

Last year, I came across the ACN Scholarships opportunity which offered Google Certification Scholarships programs. I applied and was selected for the Google Analytics Course. This course opened me to the potential and practical applications of data analysis, as well as the skills needed to build a career around it.

Following the course, I immersed myself in various projects aimed at refining and expanding my skills in data analysis. I engaged with LeetCode, Stratascratch SQL and R exercises, and experimented with Tableau dashboards.

However, like many journeys, mine encountered unexpected pauses and detours due to life’s unpredictable nature. Nevertheless, determined to reignite my passion for data, I have decided to launch this blog. I intend to document my ongoing progress, share valuable insights gained from my projects, and reflect on the continuous learning process.

In the coming posts, I look forward to revisiting some of the projects I’ve completed, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges, breakthroughs, and lessons learned along the way. Through this platform, I hope to track my personal growth and inspire and connect with fellow enthusiasts and professionals in the field.
Join me as I navigate through past achievements and set ambitious goals for the future. I’m eager to continue evolving within this dynamic field and to share this journey with you, each step of the way.

Next post:
One particularly memorable aspect of my journey so far was working through my end-of-course case study, which applied our learnings to real-world scenarios. I look forward to sharing the tea in my next post!

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