EU keen to deepen ties with a Labour PM but will not offer radical concessions

EU keen to deepen ties with a Labour PM but will not offer radical concessions

UK relationship ‘isn’t taking up as much of our mental space as it was a few years ago’, says EU diplomat

Since 2016, Britain’s Conservatives have compared the European Union to Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, described a senior EU official’s remarks as “bizarre and stupid” and threatened to break international law with a unilateral rewrite of the Brexit deal. So an incoming Labour government does not have to do much to strike a different tone.

But while the EU is ready to deepen ties with a future Labour government – widely assumed to take office after 4 July – it will not offer radical concessions to Keir Starmer. EU sources, already welcoming warmer relations under Rishi Sunak, are looking cautiously at the changing political weather across the Channel.

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