Exploring DevOps: A New Adventure

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Hey everyone! As you know, I’ve always been a data guy, diving deep into the realms of data science. But recently, I’ve decided to give DevOps a try. Why, you ask? Well, thanks to the amazing DevOps community and a special shoutout to “kubeden” for enlightening me on how fascinating this field can be, I thought, why not explore it? So, I decided to take a detour from my data journey and spend some time in the DevOps world.

My Background

I’ve been a developer for three years now, with some experience in cloud computing and AWS. So, I figured learning DevOps might be a bit easier given my background. Here’s a rundown of what I’ve learned in the past four days during my free time:



Users: Managing user accounts and permissions.

Groups: Organizing users into groups for easier management.

Policies (Permissions): Defining and assigning permissions to users and groups.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and ECR

Deploy Docker Container:

Create Cluster: Setting up a new ECS cluster.

Service API:

Tasks: Running individual containers.

Load Balancer: Distributing traffic among containers.

Health Checker: Monitoring container health.

Elastic Beanstalk

Deploying and managing applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.



Installation of Docker CLI and Desktop: Getting Docker up and running on my machine.

Understanding Images vs. Containers: Learning the difference between Docker images and containers.

Running Ubuntu Image in Container: Starting a container with Ubuntu.

Multiple Containers: Managing multiple containers simultaneously.

Port Mappings: Mapping container ports to host ports.

Environment Variables: Setting environment variables for containers.

Dockerization of Node.js Application:

Dockerfile: Creating a Dockerfile for a Node.js app.

Caching Layers: Using caching to speed up builds.

Publishing to Hub: Pushing images to Docker Hub.


Docker Compose:

Services: Defining multi-container applications.

Port Mapping: Configuring port mappings for services.

Env Variables: Setting environment variables for services.

Docker Networking:

Bridge: Default network driver.

Host: Using the host’s networking stack.

Volume Mounting: Persisting data using volumes.

Efficient Caching in Layers: Optimizing Dockerfile for caching.

Docker Multi-Stage Builds: Using multi-stage builds to reduce image size.


Setting Up

Launching an EC2 Instance:

Create and configure a virtual machine using EC2: Choosing an instance type and region.

Assign a static IP: Ensuring consistent access.

Set up security groups: Allowing HTTP and HTTPS traffic.


Accessing the EC2 Instance: Connecting via SSH.

Updating and Installing Necessary Packages: Keeping everything up-to-date.

Cloning the Project Repository: Downloading my Node.js app.

Installing Project Dependencies: Using npm install.

Running the Node.js Application: Managing with pm2.

Setting Up a Domain: Registering and pointing a domain to my Elastic IP.

Configuring Nginx: Proxying requests to the Node.js app.

Setting Up SSL with Let’s Encrypt: Using Certbot for SSL certificates.


Key Concepts

High Throughput and Less Storage: Optimized for large data streams.


Producers and Consumers: Sending and receiving messages.

Topics and Partitions: Organizing messages.

Consumer Groups: Managing multiple consumers.


Queue and Pub/Sub: Handling different messaging patterns.

Zookeeper: Managing Kafka infrastructure.

Admin, Producers, and Consumers: Setting up and using Kafka.



No Server Management: Focusing on code, not servers.

Event-Driven Execution: Functions triggered by events.

Automatic Scaling: Scaling based on load.

Pay-per-Invocation: Billing based on function usage.

Practical Example

Creating a Lambda Function: Deploying a function to AWS Lambda.

Trigger Setup: Using API Gateway to invoke the function.

Testing: Verifying with a browser and Postman.

What’s Next: My Learning Plan for the Next 4 Days

In the next four days, I plan to dive deeper into the following areas:

More AWS Services: Expanding my knowledge of various AWS services beyond the basics.

Azure: Getting familiar with Microsoft’s cloud platform and its unique features.

Terraform: Learning infrastructure as code to manage cloud resources efficiently.

Ansible: Exploring configuration management and automation.

CI/CD: Strengthening my understanding of continuous integration and continuous deployment practices.

GitHub Workflows: Refining my skills in creating and managing workflows on GitHub.


So in these days, my free time goes to learning about DevOps and I will be sharing more about what I have learned, and in a new post, I will share the resources too.

For the DevOps community: Do let me know your thoughts and what should I need to put more focus on in this DevOps realm?

Stay curious, keep learning, and happy coding!

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