Facing war in the Middle East and Ukraine, the US looks feeble. But is it just an act? | Adam Tooze

Facing war in the Middle East and Ukraine, the US looks feeble. But is it just an act? | Adam Tooze

The idea that Biden is just muddling through these global crises isn’t convincing. Look closely and his foreign policy has been as radical as Trump’s

Writing on-the-spot histories always comes with risks. But the urgency of the situation demands it. We need some explanation for why the US is not doing more to calm the situation in the Middle East and to push for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.

There is one school of thought that says the Biden administration is muddling through. It has no grand plan. It lacks the will or the means to discipline or direct either the Ukrainians or the Israelis. As a result, it is mainly focused on avoiding a third world war.

Adam Tooze is a professor of history at Columbia University

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