First my left knee, then my right: my middle-aged body’s betrayal

First my left knee, then my right: my middle-aged body’s betrayal

I won’t ‘bounce back’ from my injuries. But it is a privilege to live – to walk, dance and even fall – in an ageing body

Last month, I flew to Washington DC for a friend’s wedding, then took the train to New York City, where I had scheduled some work meetings and an in-conversation event for my friend’s book launch. As I made my way through DC’s Union Station, a man in khakis barreled toward me at full speed. I moved to get out of his path, lost my balance and fell on to the marble floor, landing hard on my right knee.

I knew immediately something was very wrong. I managed to board the train, but when I got to New York, I was in severe pain and could barely walk.

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