First Steps in SQL Operators: A Beginner’s Guide

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Sure, let’s dive into the basics of SQL operators. SQL (Structured Query Language) is used for managing and manipulating databases. Here are the fundamental types of SQL operators and how they are used:

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations. Common ones include:

+ : Addition

– : Subtraction
“ : Multiplication

/ : Division

% : Modulus

SELECT 10 + 5; — Returns 15
SELECT 10 – 5; — Returns 5
SELECT 10 5; — Returns 50
SELECT 10 / 5; — Returns 2
SELECT 10 % 3; — Returns 1

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators compare two values and return a boolean result (true or false).

= : Equal to

<> or != : Not equal to

> : Greater than

< : Less than

>= : Greater than or equal to

<= : Less than or equal to

SELECT 10 = 5; — Returns false
SELECT 10 <> 5; — Returns true
SELECT 10 > 5; — Returns true
SELECT 10 < 5; — Returns false
SELECT 10 >= 5; — Returns true
SELECT 10 <= 5; — Returns false

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine multiple conditions.

AND : All conditions must be true

OR : At least one condition must be true

NOT : Reverses the truth value

SELECT 10 > 5 AND 10 < 15; — Returns true
SELECT 10 > 5 OR 10 < 5; — Returns true
SELECT NOT 10 > 5; — Returns false

String Operators

String operators are used to manipulate string values.

|| or + : Concatenate two strings (varies by SQL dialect)

LIKE : Pattern matching using wildcards

% : Zero or more characters (used with LIKE)

_ : A single character (used with LIKE)

SELECT ‘Hello’ || ‘ World’; — Returns ‘Hello World’ (PostgreSQL, SQLite)
SELECT ‘Hello’ + ‘ World’; — Returns ‘Hello World’ (SQL Server)

SELECT ‘Hello’ LIKE ‘H%’; — Returns true
SELECT ‘Hello’ LIKE ‘_e%’; — Returns true

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators perform operations on bits and are used in some advanced queries.

& : Bitwise AND

| : Bitwise OR

^ : Bitwise XOR

~ : Bitwise NOT

<< : Bitwise left shift

>> : Bitwise right shift

SELECT 5 & 3; — Returns 1 (0101 & 0011 = 0001)
SELECT 5 | 3; — Returns 7 (0101 | 0011 = 0111)
SELECT 5 ^ 3; — Returns 6 (0101 ^ 0011 = 0110)
SELECT ~5; — Returns -6 (inverts the bits)
SELECT 5 << 1; — Returns 10 (0101 << 1 = 1010)
SELECT 5 >> 1; — Returns 2 (0101 >> 1 = 0010)

Other Operators

IN : Checks if a value is within a set of values

BETWEEN : Checks if a value is within a range

IS NULL : Checks if a value is null

IS NOT NULL : Checks if a value is not null

SELECT 10 IN (5, 10, 15); — Returns true
SELECT 10 BETWEEN 5 AND 15; — Returns true
SELECT NULL IS NULL; — Returns true
SELECT 10 IS NOT NULL; — Returns true

Practical Example with a Database Table

Let’s consider a simple table employees:





Example Queries:

Select employees with salary greater than 5000:
SELECT FROM employees WHERE salary > 5000;

Select employees whose name starts with ‘A’:
SELECT FROM employees WHERE name LIKE ‘A%’;

Select employees with age between 30 and 40:
SELECT FROM employees WHERE age BETWEEN 30 AND 40;

These are the basics of SQL operators. They form the foundation for writing more complex SQL queries as you progress.

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