Free landing page templates 🔥

Free landing page templates 🔥

Whether you are a freelancer, agency or SaaS developer, a landing page is one of the most important page for any business.

But creating them would take a lot of effort and most businesses / Customers don’t care whether you start from scratch use a template. So why waste time creating from scratch when you can build from template and save time and money?

I have been working on creating a list of landing pages, so you code less and deliver more.

Landing page templates 🚀

Browsable link: Free landing page templates

Github link: Landing page templates Github

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Features 🔖

Technical SEO optimized (uses correct tags, like h1, h2, section etc)
Tailwind built in, for rapid development (uses tw- prefix to separate tailwind classes)
Quick customization, change only texts.
Frontend framework independent: Comes with basic html, css just enough for your perfect landing page, you are free to modify and use any frontend framework (React, Vue) if required.

Pre-built landing pages for

and more.

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