Full Trailer for ‘Midnight Taxi’ Mystery Thriller Starring Ladi Emeruwa

Full Trailer for ‘Midnight Taxi’ Mystery Thriller Starring Ladi Emeruwa

“I’m having moments where I can’t tell if I’m awake or asleep.” BritFlicks has revealed an official trailer for an indie mystery thriller from the UK called Midnight Taxi, following a Black Cab driver around London. It’s set for a VOD release later in July this summer if anyone is interested. In Midnight Taxi, Eddie Carter, a sleepwalking cab driver, must navigate London’s seedy underworld to solve a murder and determine his own innocence. Directed by filmmakers Bertie & Samantha Speirs and featuring Ladi Emeruwa as Eddie, Charlotte Price, and Eddie Eyre, this gripping thriller takes viewers on a nocturnal journey through a city’s hidden darkness. “Don’t miss this suspenseful tale of mystery and self-discovery,” they say. Might be entertaining? This doesn’t look like it’s the best taxi cab thriller out there, but it does have an intriguing plot about a seemingly innocent cabbie losing his mind as he gets more and more exhausted. Take a look below. // Continue Reading ›