Georgina Hayden’s potato and celeriac soup with almond breadcrumb topping – recipe

Georgina Hayden’s potato and celeriac soup with almond breadcrumb topping – recipe

If it’s September, it’s soup time, and this quick and easy celeriac and potato number has an irresistibly nutty pangrattato topping

I’m not ashamed to say that as soon as September hits, my stick blender comes out. Just as I embrace salads when the clocks go forward, I wholeheartedly throw myself into soup season once the summer holidays end. Autumn is approaching and I’m ready with my ladle. Celeriac is one of my favourite soup heroes, because it gives the creamiest, silkiest finish with little effort. You don’t have to make the almond pangrattato, if you don’t have time, but it is a wonderful addition.

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