Georgina Hayden’s quick and easy recipe for halloumi sandwich with roast apricot jam | Quick and easy

Georgina Hayden’s quick and easy recipe for halloumi sandwich with roast apricot jam | Quick and easy

A superb and oh-so-simple way to preserve apricots – or any stone fruit, really

There is nothing I crave more than these sandwiches, especially after a long day, or if I need a hit of nostalgia. Grilled halloumi and apricot jam is a combination I grew up on, a Saturday lunch staple, and I can’t think of a time when I haven’t had the three core ingredients in my house. You can, of course, use shop-bought apricot jam, which I often do, but given that we are now in peak stone-fruit season and making your own is so simple, it would be rude not to. The crushing of the stone to release the kernel is a small touch with high impact, and best done with a nutcracker, if you have one.

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