Good Commit ✅ vs Bad Commit❎: Commit Message Comparisons🧭

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In the realm of software and web development, version control is indispensa****ble, particularly for collaborative projects. Git, one of the most widely used version control systems, relies on commits to track changes. However, the effectiveness of Git hinges on how well these commits are managed. This article delves into the characteristics of good and bad commits, supplemented by best practices and additional insights to maintain a clear and informative commit history.

What is a Commit?
A commit in Git represents the state of your code at a specific point in time, encompassing metadata like the author, timestamp, and a commit message. Commits are essential for documenting progress, stating changes, and merging developed pieces with others’ work.

Characteristics of a Good Commit

Atomic and Focused: Each commit should represent a single logical change. Avoid combining multiple changes into one commit.

# Good commit
git commit -m “Add user authentication”
# Bad commit
git commit -m “Add user authentication and update UI styles”

Descriptive Commit Message: A clear commit message explains what the commit does and why the change was made, providing enough context without reading the code.

# Good commit message
git commit -m “Fix Correct null pointer exception in user login”
# Bad commit message
git commit -m “Fix bug”

Follow Conventional Commit Guidelines: Using standard commit guidelines keeps the history clean and consistent. Common prefixes include feat, fix, chore, refactor, and docs.


git commit -m “feat(auth): add JWT-based authentication”

Tested and Verified: Ensure that changes in the commit have been tested and verified to prevent breaking the build or workflow for others.

Properly Scoped: Commits should include all changes related to a specific feature or bug fix, avoiding partial changes that might leave the codebase in an inconsistent state.

Good Commit with Proper Scope:

git commit -m “refactor(auth): split auth logic into separate module”

Characteristics of a Bad Commit:

Large and Unfocused: Commits with too many changes are hard to understand and review.

git commit -m “Update project”

Vague or Misleading Messages: Non-informative messages make tracking changes difficult.

git commit -m “Stuff”

Unrelated Changes: Combining unrelated changes in a single commit complicates the review process and introduces bugs.

git commit -m “Update readme and fix login issue”

Incomplete or Untested Code: Committing untested code disrupts the workflow and causes issues for team members.

Lack of Context: A bad commit lacks context, making it hard to understand the reason behind a change.

Best Practices for Good Commits
Commit Often, but Not Too Often: Balance between committing too frequently and not enough. Each commit should represent a meaningful change.

Write Clear and Descriptive Messages: Explain what the commit does and why the change was made.

Use Branches Effectively: Use feature branches for new features, bug fixes, and experiments. Raise Pull Requests for those branches to facilitate review and merging.

Review and Squash Commits: Before merging a branch, review and squash small or fixup commits into logical units to keep the history clean.

Automate Testing: Use continuous integration tools to automatically test code with each commit, ensuring changes are verified and reducing the risk of introducing bugs.

Use Husky: Implement Husky to enforce commit rules and prevent breaking the configuration.

Additional Insights from freeCodeCamp
Natalie Pina’s guide on How to Write Better Git Commit Messages offers additional tips for writing effective commit messages. Here are some key points:

Capitalization and Punctuation: Capitalize the first word and avoid ending with punctuation. Use all lowercase if following Conventional Commits.

Use Imperative Mood: Write commit messages in the imperative mood. For example, “Add fix for dark mode toggle state.”

Specify Commit Type: Indicate the type of commit, such as bugfix, update, refactor, bump, etc.

Length and Content: Keep the first line under 50 characters and the body under 72 characters. Be direct and eliminate filler words.

Answer Key Questions: Address the what and why in your commit messages to provide clarity.

Conventional Commits: Use a structured format for commit messages to maintain consistency. For example:

Type: Indicates the kind of change (feat, fix, chore, etc.).
Scope: Optional, but helps specify the area affected by the changes.
Description: Briefly summarizes the changes.
Body: Provides detailed information about the changes.
Footer: Includes references like issue links or breaking changes.


Maintaining a clean and understandable project history in Git is crucial for effective collaboration. Good commits are atomic, descriptive, tested, and properly scoped, while bad commits are large, vague, unrelated, and untested. By following best practices and incorporating tips from experienced developers, you can ensure your commit history is a valuable resource for your team, fostering better collaboration and maintainability.

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