‘Grocery store tourism’: why a country’s secrets can be found in the snack aisle | Arwa Mahdawi

‘Grocery store tourism’: why a country’s secrets can be found in the snack aisle | Arwa Mahdawi

It’s become popular for people to check out local supermarkets on their travels, and for good reason. You can tell a lot about a culture from the way it sells its eggs

If you teleported me to a foreign city for a day and gave me a choice between a trip to the supermarket or a museum, I’d almost always choose the supermarket. This is not (just) because I like snacks more than I like still lifes, it’s because a grocery store is a museum in its own right: a little slice of local life. And I am not the only person to brand “buying crisps” a cultural experience: “grocery store tourism” is having a moment on social media. Influencers are treating trips to the supermarket with the same reverence they might reserve for the Louvre.

This isn’t just greed in intellectual packaging. There are dissertations to be written on why you can find prawn cocktail crisps on British supermarket shelves and nowhere else. There are deep historical reasons why Germany is so obsessed with paprika-flavoured snacks.

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