HashiCorp Vault Quickstart

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This is a sample project to initialise a HashiCorp Vault instance with a PKI Instance and generate some secrets that can be used by the ForgerRock Identity Platform.

It uses HashiCorp Terraform to provision the PKI and secrets so that they can be quickly and easily rotated.

Secrets are generated in the volumes/secrets folder, but this can be easily changed to use Docker Volumes if required.

Config for both Vault and Terraform are initially baked into the container, but can be modified and attached without rebuilding as the folders are mounted to the running containers. Terraform state is also local, meaning you could rerun the Terraform plan from within a running container thus allowing quick and easy updates and testing without having to rebuid containers.


The following describes how to run the sample.

Vault Init

The following command will start a HashiCorp Vault instance and initiliase it so that you can enter the token in the HashiCorp Vault UI

docker-compose up qhcv-vault-init


qhcv-vault-init | VAULT_TOKEN=xxxx.xxxxxxxxx

It also available via

cat volumes/vault/keys.json | jq .root_token -r



Terraform Apply

The following command will perform a Terraform apply to the running HashiCorp Vault instance. It will grab and configure the VAUL_TOKEN from the value saved in the previous run.
Note: If HashiCorp Vault is not running it will start and initiliase it and that service will remaing running in the background.

docker-compose run qhcv-terraform

The state file will be stored in the volumes/terraform folder and the secrets in the volumes/secrets folder.

Shutdown and cleanup

To shutdown and cleanup issue the following (depending on OS)

docker-compose down
rm -rf volumes
docker-compose down
rm -r -force volumes


Vault Config

The Vault container extends an existing HashiCorp Vault container to add


The configs are basics to show how to get the solution running, but can be extended with your specific needs.

Vault Init

The init script depends on HashiCorp running and checks to see if the Vault has been previously unsealed as the file volumes/vault/keys.json. If it has not been unsealed it will issue a request to

initiliase the vault with a single secret and store the details in keys.json

unseal the Vault, using that single secret.

Note: This is not a production solution as the secrets are not safely stored and should only be used for Local Development purposes.

Terraforms Config

The Vault container extends an existing HashiCorp Vault container to add

Plugins needed to perform the management of the Vault and secrets.

Performs the core operations of the script.


Details about the required providers and their configuguration.


Configuration of any Client Certificates needed.


Configuration of any TLS Certificates


Variables used in the plan.


The core Vault configuration of PKI
It creates

Root Certificate Authority
Intermeddiate Certificate Authority

When it runs it performs the 3 core tasks of using the Vault Token derived from keys.json

apply –auto-approve

The state files are stored in volumes/terraform

It will also export the Root and Intermediatte certifcates into



The Terraform plan will export secrets into volumes/secrets

TLS Certicates are exported as tls.crt and tls.key.

Client certificates are exported as .p12