Heatwave Intensifies in Romania: Up to 39°C in Bucharest and Other Counties

Heatwave Intensifies in Romania: Up to 39°C in Bucharest and Other Counties

The heat wave is expanding and intensifying in Romania. Meteorologists issued, on Thursday morning, yellow and orange heat wave warnings, valid until Friday, when in several counties and in Bucharest the maximum temperatures will reach up to 39C.

On Thursday, there will be heatwave and thermal discomfort in Banat, Oltenia, Muntenia, continental Dobrogea and southern Moldova, and the local temperature-humidity index (ITU) will reach the critical threshold of 80 units. Maximum temperatures will generally be 35…36 degrees.

According to ANM, on Friday, there will be a yellow heat wave in Crişana, the north of Banat and Oltenia, the north and east of Muntenia, the southern half of Moldova, Dobrogea, as well as in the west and south of Transylvania. Thermal discomfort will be high, the temperature-humidity index (ITU) will slightly exceed the critical threshold of 80 units and it will be hot locally.

“The maximum temperatures will be, in general, between 34 and 37 degrees, and the minimums will be around 20 degrees,” ANM reported.

Heatwave code orange: Temperatures are approaching 40C

According to specialists, there will be a code orange in the counties of Caraş-Severin, Mehedinţi, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Ilfov and in the municipality of Bucharest.

The maximum temperatures will generally be 38…39 degrees. Thermal discomfort will be accentuated, and the temperature-humidity index (ITU) will exceed the critical threshold of 80 units. The thermal minimums will not drop below 20 degrees, so they will characterize a tropical night“, ANM also transmitted.

Meteorologists announce that, on Saturday, there will be heatwave and thermal discomfort in Muntenia, Dobrogea, southern Moldova and in small areas in Oltenia.

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