Hover Preview: My First VsCode extension to preview on hover [Beta release]

Hover Preview: My First VsCode extension to preview on hover [Beta release]

So we have all been there, We see someone else’s code like this and panic, because we don’t understand what it does at the first glance.

But now with hover preview you can get a quick sneak peak to how it would look like when you hover over the snippets or HTML elements.

Download Hover preview

You can get Hover preview on VsCode marketplace

Please note that its still in development and released under beta release

Why Hover preview?

I built this for couple of reasons.

Reading someone else’s code is not fun, a quick preview of what section does would make it much more easier to understand.

If you are a beginner or learning a new CSS library or framework it can become hard to understand what’s going on, so a visual cue would be much helpful.

Lesser toggling between browser and vscode.


Currently works only for Html files, not for component based libraries or frameworks

Cannot preview animations (eg: css animations).

No interactions: you cannot interact with the preview.


Hover preview is still work in progress and will soon come with more configurations and support. You can check out the hover preview roadmap

Source code and links

Hover preview source code
VsCode marketplace

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