How I Plan to Make Money Using ChatGPT (And Other AI Tools).

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Probably 2023 is going to be the year that many entrepreneurs and freelancers will make a lot of money thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI).

I don’t want to miss that opportunity, so over the past weeks, I’ve been exploring different ways to make money using ChatGPT and other AI tools.

I found different options, but I only listed here those that I consider worth a try.

1. Creating a Product or Service and Power It with AI

There are many products and services that are powered by AI, but guess what? Most of them never developed the AI technology used in their products.

They only integrated others’ AI technology into their products by connecting to their APIs.

OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, has an API that has been used by companies such as Duolingo and GitHub. Duolingo uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to provide French grammar corrections on its app, while GitHub uses OpenAI’s Codex to help programmers write code faster with less work.

All of this is possible through an API! (you can learn how to use OpenAI API in this article I wrote)

Another example is Jasper. Jasper is an AI content generator that tailors the generic language created by OpenAI’s technology to specific use cases. We can say that Jasper is the “middleman” between you and Open AI.

But why would anyone choose a middleman over OpenAI’s technology?

They optimize the outputs to be more relevant to their customers.
They use an interface that makes AI much more accessible for those who don’t have the resources/expertise to access the technology themselves.

But OpenAI isn’t the only tech you can use. There are other options.

For example, the app Lensa uses Stable Diffusion’s open-source image generator to turn selfies into different styles of artwork. They charge a fee for this and they only act as a middleman between users and Stable Diffusion technology.

To sum it up: Pick a niche. Develop a product or service. Power it with AI.

2. Teaching

There are many people that are unfamiliar with artificial intelligence, but they will need to familiarize themselves with AI and learn how to use AI tools sooner or later.

That’s an opportunity to educate them through blogs, video tutorials, or complete paid courses.

To give you an example, very few people used to watch my YouTube videos before ChatGPT was released. My videos averaged 8k views, but only in December I got hundreds of thousands of views simply because I was teaching others how to use ChatGPT.

And, believe me, I’m not the only content creator who leveraged this tool.

This shows how even a small YouTuber like me can grow their channel by talking about a hot topic like AI. If you ever thought about creating online content, pick an AI tool and teach others how to make the most of it through blog posts or YouTube videos.

You’ll learn twice and make money. What else can you ask for?

3. Writing

Probably many people will use AI to try to make money blogging or writing books, but here’s the problem: most are either new to AI or writing.

I’ve been writing articles and using AI technology for some years and I think 2023 is a good opportunity for those willing to learn how to use AI to enhance their writing.

Why? Some writers who are new to AI will ignore AI tools and complain about how useless they are, while those new to writing might use AI tools the wrong way.

Here’s how I’d use AI to make money writing (if I could start over).

Say I want to start blogging, I’d pick topics I love talking about and use AI tools to overcome the common problems we face when writing.

You lack ideas for your article title? ChatGPT can generate them for you
You lack the inspiration to complete your article? Jasper can help finish your draft
You lack the vocabulary to express your ideas? Quillbot can paraphrase sentences and you can control how much vocabulary change you want.
You want unique pictures for your article? Midjourney can create AI art for you

Rather than a lazy solution to a problem, you should think of AI as a tool that can help you become a better writer. We only need to pick the right AI tool for a specific task and master it.

In case you want to write a book (like me), the AI tools I listed above can also help you.

4. Building and selling apps, or APIs

This is something you can do if you at least have good knowledge of one programming language.

As I showed in some of my YouTube videos, you can build complete scripts from scratch with ChatGPT, but sometimes you might need to make some tweaks to make it work as you expect.

The same happens with APIs. We can build an API using ChatGPT. Here’s a simple example I found on YouTube.

Generate code for python flask API server that take GET request with url as string, converts it to QR code image and sends it back as an API responde

The problem is creating an API people want to buy.

This means we need to spend time analyzing niches that don’t have too much competition, generate ideas for our API, and only then use ChatGPT as a code assistant to convert our ideas into reality. Once we build an API, we can sell it on sites like RapidAPI.

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