How to Create Custom Facade in laravel?

How to Create Custom Facade in laravel?

In this article, We are studying facades in laravel. A facade is a design pattern that provides a static interface to classes inside the framework’s service container. You can access all the features of laravel with facades. It provides the benefit of a terse, expressive syntax while maintaining more testability and flexibility.

Some of the laravel facades

Cache: Access the caching system.
Config: Access the configuration values.
DB: Interact with the database using Laravel’s query builder
Log: write a log message
Mail: Access the Mailing system.
File: Perform file operation
Route: handle HTTP request
Storage: handle file system.
Session: Manage session data

Laravel contains many facades to handle the core functionality of laravel. Also, you can create custom facades that allow you to access them more concisely throughout your application.

How to create a custom Facade in Laravel

Create a helper class

Create a “Message” directory inside the App directory and create a php class inside the directory.

namespace AppMessage;

class WelcomeMessage

public function greet()
return ‘Welcome to Our Platform’;

Register helper class

You can register a helper class in AppServiceProvider Provider.

public function register()
$this->app->bind(‘greeting’, function(){
return new WelcomeMessage();

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