How to Install WordPress and Essential Plugins Using WP-CLI

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Setting up a WordPress site can be time-consuming if done manually, but with WP-CLI, the process becomes much faster and more efficient. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to install WordPress along with a few essential plugins using a single command sequence.

Step 1: Download WordPress Core

First, you’ll need to download the WordPress core files. This command will download WordPress to a directory called mywebsite.

wp core download –path=mywebsite

Step 2: Create the Configuration File

Navigate into the newly created mywebsite directory, and create the wp-config.php file with your database credentials:

cd mywebsite
wp config create –dbname=silk –dbuser=root –dbpass=root

Step 3: Create the Database

Now, create the database using the following command:

wp db create

Step 4: Install WordPress

Install WordPress using your local URL, site title, and admin credentials:

wp core install –url=mywebsite.test –title=”Site Title” –admin_user=admin –admin_password=admin –

Step 5: Install and Activate Plugins

Finally, install and activate the necessary plugins. In this example, we’ll install WooCommerce and Dokan Lite:

wp plugin install woocommerce –activate
wp plugin install dokan-lite –activate

All-in-One Command Sequence

For your convenience, here’s the entire process in one continuous block of code. Just copy and paste the code below into your terminal to install WordPress and a few plugins with a single command.

wp core download –path=mywebsite
cd mywebsite
wp config create –dbname=silk –dbuser=root –dbpass=root
wp db create
wp core install –url=mywebsite.test –title=”Site Title” –admin_user=admin –admin_password=admin –
wp plugin install woocommerce –activate
wp plugin install dokan-lite –activate

Prerequisite: Install WP-CLI to you machine.

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