How to set up a Python WebSocket Server with Godot 4’s WebSocketPeer Client. [Tutorial]

RMAG news

Since Godot 4 WebSocketServer and WebSocketClient have been disappeared from the API.
I tried to explain it to myself how Godot 4’s new API works since the docs have not been updated using the downloadable example project you can find here:
However, it seems that only one WebSocketPeer can connect to each other, consequentially, when the server connected to one peers, its over, other peers dont get the chance to connect, too!
Now, I found a pretty solution using python’s websockets module.
1) Set up a client with Godot 4’s WebSocketPeer

Use the example project (link mentioned above) to set up the client; or use this script on Node:

extends Node

# The URL we will connect to.
var websocket_url = “ws://localhost:12345” # Replace with actual server address and port
var socket :=

func _ready():
if socket.connect_to_url(websocket_url) != OK:
print(“Could not connect.”)

func _process(_delta):

if socket.get_ready_state() == WebSocketPeer.STATE_OPEN:
while socket.get_available_packet_count():
print(“Recv. >”,socket.get_packet().get_string_from_ascii(),”<“)

func _exit_tree():

func _input(event):
# Send “Ping!” to the server when Enter is pressed.
if event is InputEventKey and event.pressed and event.keycode == KEY_ENTER:
if socket.get_ready_state() != WebSocketPeer.STATE_OPEN:
print(“You are currently not connected to the server.”)

2) Set up a python server using websockets module

Follow the short tutorial on how to set up a websocket server. I have not done anything else but copy-pasting the example code and it worked. Use this for example:

import asyncio
import websockets

# Define a callback function to handle incoming WebSocket messages
async def handle_websocket(websocket, path):
while True:
message = await websocket.recv()
print(f”Received message: >{message}<“)

# XXX: Do some stuff here with the message.

response = “Pong!”
await websocket.send(response)
except websockets.ConnectionClosed:

if __name__ == “__main__”:
# Start the WebSocket server
start_server = websockets.serve(handle_websocket, “localhost”, 12345)
