How to sincronize data with the localStorage using Signals

RMAG news

Signals introduced new possibilities for Angular developers, personally I’ve been using a lot and exploring these possibilities, one of them is the straightforward way to sync data with localStorage (or sessionStorage).

It is amazing because sometimes we want to save the progress of some form or data in the browser, so lets see how to do it.

Create some interfaces

These interfaces are only there to define the shape of the state.

export interface Item {
id: string;
name: string;

export interface StateInterface {
items: Item[] | null;

Create a new service

providedIn: root,
export class StateService {
state = signal<StateInterface>(
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(todo-data)!) as StateInterface

syncStorage = effect(() => {
localStorage.setItem(todo-data, JSON.stringify(this.state()));

Yes, its only it! Always the signals receive a modification, your localStorage will update! Amazing!


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