How to turn pizza crusts into a spicy French dip – recipe | Waste not

How to turn pizza crusts into a spicy French dip – recipe | Waste not

Who knew pizza crusts could be turned into a mayo-style Provencal dip for … pizza crusts?

I find it really odd when people eat the sloppy pizza middle and leave the crusts, which are my favourite part of a pizza. I like to fold my pizza, and in doing so spread some of the sauce and cheese on the crust, or I’ll roll the slice around the crust, so it looks a bit like a pizza croissant, encasing it in those tasty toppings before eating it like a tomato and cheese roll.

Sometimes, however, especially if I get too full, I have been known to – shock horror! – leave the crusts, which got me to thinking about how to repurpose them. The best solution, of course, is simply to order less pizza but, failing that, a pizza crust dip is a delicious way to use them up. In today’s recipe, I use pizza crusts to make a piquant rouille, a thick French sauce that’s normally served with fish but is, in fact, lovely with almost anything – even as a dip for pizza crusts.

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