How we met: ‘I couldn’t imagine the day without her in it’

How we met: ‘I couldn’t imagine the day without her in it’

Catie, 37, and Delia, 36, met in 2013 when they were trainee solicitors. They quickly became best friends

When Catie joined her local junior lawyers division, which helps young people in the legal profession to connect, she had no idea she would meet her best friend. “I was living in Leeds and had just moved in with my now husband,” she says. “I was training to be a solicitor and having a great time. But, as so many friends had moved to London, I was a bit at sea having to meet new people.”

In August 2013, she helped to arrange an event for the division on a canal boat. There, she met Delia, who was also living in Leeds and training as a solicitor. “I’d moved from Newcastle a couple of years before, but it still felt like a bit of a new start,” Delia says. “One of my goals was to get to know more people.” When she was invited on a “booze cruise”, she jumped at the chance. “It wasn’t as glamorous as they’d made out – more like a kid’s party with wine,” she says. “I remember lots of sausage rolls.”

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