Hyperscript: The New API Testing Technique

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Hyperscript: Revolutionize Your API Testing 🚀

In the fast-paced world of software development, robust API testing is essential. Meet Hyperscript, the powerful new tool designed to transform how developers approach API testing.

What is Hyperscript?

Hyperscript is a versatile command-line interface (CLI) tool that simplifies HTTP request testing. Using YAML configurations, developers can define their testing parameters clearly and concisely. Whether handling GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE requests, Hyperscript does it all with ease.

Key Features 🌟

Simple Configuration: Define test cases in YAML format, making them easy to manage and understand.

Supports Multiple Methods: Test a variety of HTTP methods, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Advanced Validation: Built-in checks for status codes, content types, and response bodies, including nested structures.

Conditional Checks: Advanced checks like contains, lessThan, and greaterThan to validate response data comprehensively.

Verbose Output: Detailed feedback on your tests with optional verbose output for quick debugging.

Why Choose Hyperscript?

Traditional API testing tools can be complex and time-consuming to set up. Hyperscript bridges this gap by offering a user-friendly yet powerful tool that integrates seamlessly into your workflow. Whether you’re a solo developer or part of a large team, Hyperscript enhances your API testing without the overhead.

Getting Started 🚀

Install Hyperscript:

pip install hyperscript-cli

Create a Configuration File:
Define your API tests in a YAML file, specifying endpoints, methods, and expected outcomes.

Run Hyperscript:
Execute your tests with a simple command:

hyperscript path/to/your/config.yaml

Example Configuration

url: https://freetestapi.com

name: Get All Cars
path: /api/v1/cars
contentType: application/json
status: 200

name: Get Single Car
path: /api/v1/cars/1
contentType: application/json
value: 200
value: 201
id: 1
price: 30000
year: 2010
make: Toyota
model: Corolla
color: Silver


Hyperscript is your ultimate companion for efficient and comprehensive API testing. Its simplicity and powerful features make it an essential tool for any developer. Start using Hyperscript today and elevate your API testing to the next level!

For more information and to contribute, visit our GitHub repository. Happy testing! 🎉

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