I Created Corona Clicker on Vue3 and Integrated It into a Telegram Web App

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Recently, I was inspired by the game Hamster Kombat and decided to create my own clicker game based on Vue3, which I integrated into a Telegram Web App. In this article, I’ll talk about how I came up with the idea, how I implemented the project, and what I plan to add in the future.

Inspiration from Hamster Kombat

Hamster Kombat is a mobile clicker game. Despite its name, there are no “combat hamsters” in it. The main character is a hamster who is the CEO of a crypto exchange. Initially, he has nothing to his name (not even fur). Gradually, the player helps the hamster earn money and achieve success.
The idea of a simple yet captivating clicker mechanic, where each tap brings in coins, seemed interesting and inspiring to me. I decided to create my version of such a game, with the crown as the main element.

Development on Vue3

To implement my project, I chose Vue3, a modern framework for building user interfaces that I had long wanted to try out. Starting with a simple idea, I created a prototype game where users click on a crown image to earn coins.

Key Development Steps

Creating the Project on Vue3: I used Vue CLI for a quick project setup.
UI Development: The main game screen includes an image of a crown and a coin counter.
Clicker Logic: I wrote simple logic that increases the number of coins with each click on the crown.
Integration with Telegram Web App: I set up interaction with Telegram so users could play directly in the chat.
## Integration into Telegram Web App
Telegram offers great opportunities for integrating web applications. I decided to take advantage of this to make my clicker accessible to a wide audience. With the Telegram Web App, users can play my game without leaving the messenger.
## Key Integration Steps
Bot Registration: I created a bot through BotFather and obtained a token.
Web App Setup: I added links to the web application and configured them to work inside Telegram.
Launch and Testing: I conducted testing with friends and received initial feedback.
## Playing the Game in Telegram
Now, anyone can try my game by simply following this link: Corona Clicker Bot. Players can click on the crown to earn coins, competing with friends and acquaintances.
## Future Plans
I am actively working on improving the game and adding new features. Here are a few ideas I plan to implement:
Achievement System: Add rewards for completing specific tasks.
Upgrade Shop: Allow players to spend coins on upgrades that help earn even more.
Daily Tasks: Introduce daily quests to keep the game interesting.
Player Rankings: Create a global leaderboard so players can compete with each other.
## Feedback
I value hearing opinions and suggestions from players. If you have ideas for the game’s development, please contact me on Telegram: king_triton. I am always open to new ideas and suggestions.