‘I just feel pain’: Pokrovsk packs up as Russian invaders close in

‘I just feel pain’: Pokrovsk packs up as Russian invaders close in

Lives are being bundled into bags after Ukrainian officials gave people in the city two weeks to leave

Russia-Ukraine war – latest news updates

Library books are piled in the street, waiting to be removed in a truck. Two men across the road take down a supermarket sign. The modern grocery store shut a couple of weeks ago. Half a mile away an evacuation train waits to depart. People crowd on to the platform and outside the station, preparing to flee.

Pokrovsk, a mining city in eastern Ukraine, is packing up fast. The Russians are 7 miles (11km) away, already close enough for the city to be struck, after a remorseless advance that has taken the invaders close to a place that had been considered safe. Fearing the worst, Ukrainian officials have given people two weeks to leave.

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