I just made a game/shit !!

RMAG news

So yeah,

I just made a game …..

You see i have a very weak computer (1st prototype of babage)

And i am scared of …

Scared of downloading something and crashing up my pc …. (sorry father)….

AND i love to make GAMES (which i barely try to make)
Mmm… where to start ??
Game engine
Yeah , game engines

But they are too heavy…..

Mmmm godot?

Lets install it!!!!

…….but it was horrible ..

Idk why its not working … ??

Delete… yeah

2000 years later

Oh sh*t wth wait ??
I have to make game !!!!!

Game game game


Where to start ?
Game engines ..?

NOOO i hate godot

But godot is not only game engine ….

Unity , unreal is not for me (*my pc)

What to install ?




It worked

I made 2 sh*ts using it ….

And i love it

So , I wanted to make some shit games which are very enjoying….

Comment your shit ideas to code …
I will code them next

(Sorry , i didn’t made any game last time , because i didnt liked those ideas very much and #of ideas were very less )

So please let me know all your shit crazy ideas….

*basic pls im new to gamedev

Otherwise i will make some hyped up post like
“How to create a Backend for React in Go”


Should I write a hyped post to get views and followers …

Also wth you dev.to
Is your systumm hanged (*indians unite)

Why suddenly after every month , my followers increases by 250-300 like nums ….

Please let me know is this normal for dev.to profiles

Also …. m i popular mom? 5400 somewhat followers till now , including all posts ….

Follow now !! Lets cross mrbeast here 300M

Also i might sound you like im on high ….

And let me tell you
Im on high

Follow !!!! 🐦

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