‘I just wanted to help people!’ How Tanya Smith stole $40m, evaded the FBI and broke out of prison

‘I just wanted to help people!’ How Tanya Smith stole $40m, evaded the FBI and broke out of prison

She started defrauding banks as a teenager to support needy neighbours. Soon, she was making millions – and living the high life. Now, after spending nearly a quarter of her life in jail, she has turned her wild story into a memoir

On 5 January 1988, Tanya Smith – then two years into a 13-year prison sentence in West Virginia – walked out of her cell and kept on walking. Smith, who had been convicted of bank and wire fraud, wanted a shot at an appeal. Having grown increasingly desperate, she hatched an unorthodox plan to try to win her freedom from the outside. With the help of an accomplice, she disguised herself as a lawyer and floated confidently past the security guards who observed her every move.

Like many elements of Smith’s life story, it sounds as if it was ripped straight from the pages of a pulpy thriller. “When I reached the gate, I turned to the guard standing in the doorway and waved,” writes Smith in her action-packed memoir, Never Saw Me Coming. “He squinted as if he was seeing someone he knew … I smiled and waved again. A heavy lump formed in my throat … At any moment, someone could realise I was missing, and the alarm would sound.”

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