If only other cancer patients could wish it all away, just like heroic Elle Macpherson | Catherine Bennett

If only other cancer patients could wish it all away, just like heroic Elle Macpherson | Catherine Bennett

Like other celebrity wellness entrepreneurs, the former model seems to peddle nonsense

Elle Macpherson’s gratitude journal must have written itself last week. Most days, any leader in the wellness industry is right to feel gratitude for the gigantic profits to be made seemingly out of human gullibility: the welcome for her latest venture suggests that the market for experimental self-care may have been wildly underestimated.

Since the exclusive revelation of Macpherson’s “cancer journey” in the Australian Women’s Weekly, there can hardly have been enough time in the day, without contracting the work out to a gratitude assistant, to record the amount of joy experienced by a model turned entrepreneur when her apparent rejection of evidence-based medicine is widely presented – with only limited space for objections – as a tale of fully vindicated heroism.

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