‘I’m like a single parent for months while he trains’: the partners of fitness fanatics who are left holding the baby

‘I’m like a single parent for months while he trains’: the partners of fitness fanatics who are left holding the baby

Spending your weekends watching the kids while your other half heads out on another training ride? You’re not alone. Meet the Lycra widows and widowers picking up the slack

‘He’s treated like a hero when he does marathons,” says Julia. “But once, while we were watching him cross the finishing line, my aunt leaned over and said: ‘You deserve the medal, for doing everything behind the scenes, so he can do all that training.’”

From 5Ks to Ironman races, most people will have a friend, colleague or family member who is training for some kind of fitness challenge. The odd parkrun isn’t enough to merit kudos these days – the bar is set somewhere around “triathlon”. But what about the Lycra widows and widowers who solo-parent, fix bikes, sleep in cars while “crewing”, and diligently stick chicken in the air fryer five times a day to support their sport-mad partners? Where’s their “me-time” after they’ve done bedtime for the 11th day in a row because their partner has been out on a six-hour training ride?

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