Invoke Dataverse AI Actions via Powershell

Invoke Dataverse AI Actions via Powershell

A few days ago, I was 🛠️ thinking to create a command for PACX that allowed me to call via command line the new Dataverse AI functions 🛠️.

But I’m lazy, so I try to avoid reinventing the wheel when there is one there already available that just fits my needs.

Here is how you can invoke the 🤖 Dataverse AI 🤖 actions via Powershell leveraging Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell:

# setup a connection towards your dataverse environment
$conn = Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString $connStr

# invoke the action
$response = Invoke-CrmAction -conn $conn -Name AIReply -Parameters @{ Text = “Compute the square root of PI” }

# print out the response

Recently I’ve also known about this powershell library by Rob Wood and… this is how to do the same via Rnwood.Dataverse.Data.PowerShell.

# install the powershell module
Install-Module Rnwood.Dataverse.Data.PowerShell -Scope CurrentUser

# setup a connection towards your dataverse environment
$c = Get-DataverseConnection -url -interactive

# create the request
$request = new-object Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationRequest “AIReply”
$request[“Text”] = “Can you compute the square root of PI?”
$response = Invoke-DataverseRequest -connection $c -request $request

# print out the response

Et voilà:

Of course it works with any organization request 😎


PowerShell Vs XrmToolbox – why learn PowerShell for hashtag#PowerPlatform?
AIReply Action