iOS guide based on notes

iOS guide based on notes

I’ve always been an iOS enthusiast, but at some point I realized that my theoretical knowledge was falling behind. In the summer of 2023, I decided to delve deeper into learning iOS by watching videos, reading articles, and taking notes. For the convenience of repetition, I wrote keywords on post-it notes and pinned them on the wall. However, over time, the number of notes on the wall became critical, and I started thinking about how to transfer all this to my phone so that I could access the notes at any time.

This is what my wall looked like:

The main goal was to create an application that would allow you to conveniently repeat the material. I wanted the app to have statistics showing the results and time spent on learning. For self-study, I decided to implement this application in SwiftUI, as I had previously worked with a mix of SwiftUI and UIKit and wanted to evaluate how well pure SwiftUI works.

The first minimum viable product (MVP) had to be easy enough to learn and repeat the material. The app displays an imaginary wall with notes attached to it. Each wall in the app is a Board. The following boards are implemented in the app: Swift, Storage, UIKit, SwiftUI, Render, Media, Architecture, Testing, CI/CD, App, API, Management.

Each wall represents a specific topic, such as Swift or UIKit. The wall has notes that contain keywords and important theoretical points, which allows you to quickly find and repeat the information you need.

Repeating the material should not be another “test game” where you just have to choose the right answer. The purpose of this training is to develop communication skills, the ability to structure your answer and say it out loud.

The app also features a statistics system that shows test results and time spent studying. This allows you to track your progress and motivates you to continue learning.

Creating this application was a great experience for me, which allowed me not only to deepen my knowledge of iOS, but also to create a useful tool for repeating and consolidating the material. I plan to continue developing this app by adding new features and improving existing ones.

Link to the app: WallMemo

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