Is the Taliban-friendly Imran Khan really the best choice as Oxford’s next chancellor? | Catherine Bennett

Is the Taliban-friendly Imran Khan really the best choice as Oxford’s next chancellor? | Catherine Bennett

The former cricketer also blames women for rape and calls Salman Rushdie a blasphemer

News that Jemima Khan’s ex-husband, Imran Khan, has applied to be chancellor of Oxford University will have caused consternation in some quarters, and not all of them, like Mr Khan’s, foreign prison cells.

Imagine if literally the only reason you’d decided not to apply to be elected Oxford’s chancellor was because, like Khan, you once refused to tolerate the presence of Salman Rushdie, and maybe also called him “a blasphemer”, as Khan did. You might have thought, well, in a place like Oxford there’s bound to be someone with a vote who’d hold that against you.

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