‘It doesn’t start with fame. Find your passion’: how Aldo Kane became TV’s go-to danger man

‘It doesn’t start with fame. Find your passion’: how Aldo Kane became TV’s go-to danger man

A former Royal Marines sniper and oil rig worker, Aldo Kane has spent 20 years in some of the world’s most extreme places. Now he finds himself in very unfamiliar territory – in front of a TV camera…

There aren’t many people who could casually drop “When I was standing on the summit of Everest” into a conversation without it coming across as a massive flex. Somehow, though, Aldo Kane pulls it off in a manner that almost passes you by, as if it’s just – oh, you know – one of those things you do at work. Then again, maybe the reason he owns it so easily is that climbing Everest is probably one of the easier things he’s done.

Kane, you see, is the go-to adventure safety guy for anyone in the TV business. So you might need to get a film crew into (and out of) an active volcano; or maybe there’s this remote uncharted river in New Guinea and a famous naturalist looking for help to get there. Or perhaps you’re James Cameron, the latest Avatar movie has wrapped and you need safety provision for a documentary (someone to restrain the odd shark with his bare hands while keeping a bunch of marine biologists alive in the world’s most hostile watery environments). Kane is that guy: the explorer’s explorer.

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