‘It’s where all the best socialising happens’: the joy of the smoking area

‘It’s where all the best socialising happens’: the joy of the smoking area

As the government mulls an outdoor smoking ban, clubbers are lamenting the possible loss of a valuable space where friendships are formed and bonds strengthened

To some people, the nightclub smoking area offers a moment of relief from the ear-rattling speakers and clouds of dry ice inside. For others, it’s an opportunity to sit down and chew the fat with a friend, or to forge a connection with a new one. Rarely is it just about having a cigarette. Whatever its function, a trip to the smoking area has become a ritual part of the night for many clubbers, regardless of whether they smoke or not. It’s an experience that might be lost altogether if the government pursues a ban on smoking outside clubs, bars and pubs.

On Friday night at a small DIY club in Sheffield, the smoking area is packed despite the cold temperature. People are exchanging names as they share Rizlas and filters and accidentally pocket one another’s lighters. In one corner, there’s a group of friends running through the updates in each other’s lives. Nearby, a couple who have just met are making out. It’s a familiar scene to anyone who has been in a club since 2007, when the indoor smoking ban moved nicotine-abetted socialising from the dancefloor to these now beloved outdoor zones.

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