Jason Schwartzman: ‘I was the kid driving around all the record stores buying all the Oasis singles’

Jason Schwartzman: ‘I was the kid driving around all the record stores buying all the Oasis singles’

The actor answers your questions on auditioning for Wes Anderson, his love of Britpop, his telepathic mother and never hearing back from Ringo Starr

Does Wes Anderson still make you audition? TopTramp
There have been times when he’s said: “Maybe you should try reading this part,” or: “Let me hear how it sounds if you read it,” and then said: “I think the character should be older.” I don’t think he’s necessarily auditioning you. He’s auditioning how the part fits.

Will you ever tour or record again with Phantom Planet? levilovinmamma
I’m totally open to the idea. I was asked to come on stage with the singer, Alex Greenwald, to do California. It was only when I sat down on the drum stool that I realised how nervous I was, playing this song that we hadn’t played together for 20 years. It was really fun, but I was so gassed at the end I could hardly breathe. I thought: “How did I ever play a whole show? I can’t even get to the end of one song without feeling like I want to black out.”

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