JDBC and Streams have never been simpler

RMAG news

Just updated a library which makes life much easier when speaking about databases…

When streams were introduced in java I got myself thinking of how I can leverage it with databases. It is “pretty common” task to write SQL queries and process the results within Java. And the more I was ought to deal with prepared statements, result sets, all those SQLExceptions etc., the more I was disappointed. Searching the WEB for solutions where I wanted to find two worlds collided conveniently – I found no suitable one! Of course there are many libraries that afford some, but neither of them suited me. I wanted something else. Therefore I decided to write one myself for myself.

My goals…

…were based on my background experience:

No prepared boilerplate and SQLExceptions
Executing arbitrary scripts
Minimal configuration
“Real” streams (lazily data fetching)
Database is just a method invocation

and some others – don’t remember them all 🙂

So after some time I ended up with this:

A brief

1 – Maven:


2 – Setup:

DB db = DB.builder()
.build(() -> DriverManager.getConnection(“vendor-specific-string”));

3 – Select:

Collection<String> names = db.select(“SELECT name FROM users WHERE ID IN (?, ?)”, 1, 2).execute(rs -> rs.getString(“name”)).collect(Collectors.toList());

Happy to share: jdbc-fn project.

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