
RMAG news


// MyComponent.jsx
import React from react;

const MyComponent = () => (
<h1 data-testid=“header”>Hello, World!</h1>
<div data-testid=“container”>
<p data-testid=“paragraph”>This is a paragraph within the container.</p>

export default MyComponent;


const { getByRole,getByTestId } = within(Element)

// MyComponent.test.jsx
import React from react;
import { render,within } from @testing-library/react;
import @testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect; // 用于jest-dom的匹配器
import MyComponent from ./MyComponent;

test(renders paragraph within container, () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<MyComponent />);
const container = getByTestId(container);

const { getByTestId: getByTestIdWithin, getByRole } = within(container);
const paragraph = getByTestIdWithin(paragraph);
expect(paragraph).toHaveTextContent(This is a paragraph within the container.);

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