Joe Biden was a winner, once. It’s a huge risk to assume he can win again | Zoe Williams

Joe Biden was a winner, once. It’s a huge risk to assume he can win again | Zoe Williams

An aversion to risk among the Democrats has kept the US president in the race for the White House. But win-at-all-costs logic isn’t great for politics at the best of times

I remember when people thought the free world was in peril because its self-appointed leader didn’t have a big enough vocabulary. There were also rumblings that, at 56, he was past his prime. This was George W Bush.

There was detailed analysis of his favourite words (“folk”, “folksy”), the span and structure of his sentences and what grade it would put him in at school. A lot of this information was passed by word of mouth, one person in 100 being online and telling everyone else, and none of us in the UK were sure what US grades meant, but we knew it didn’t put him in one of the high ones. Did he have the intelligence of a nine-year-old? A 14-year-old?

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