Labour defends Great British Energy plan amid concern over funding – UK politics live

Labour defends Great British Energy plan amid concern over funding – UK politics live

Ed Miliband said GB Energy would be a crucial tool to tackle the UK’s energy security concerns

Energy secretary Ed Miliband has said “it’s going to take time” for GB Energy to start making money.

Legislation to establish the state-owned energy company needs to go through the House of Commons, and the government has set aside £8.3bn to invest in new windfarms and solar projects, which must get built before GB Energy can start generating a return, he told BBC Breakfast.

Within a couple of years, as we build new onshore wind, new solar, we’ll start to see the effect on bills, but there are lots of things going on here. So our exposure to gas prices, which are set internationally, is something I don’t control.

In a sense, the whole point of what I’m saying is we’ve got to get off that lack of control where dictators like [Vladimir] Putin control the fossil fuel market, because I can’t promise you what’s going to happen to gas prices.

Millions of people around our country have suffered from the worst energy bills crisis in decades in our country and this government says: Never again … And the only answer to never again, is to get off fossil fuels.”

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