Labour’s treatment of Diane Abbott shows the party at its most cruel | Letters

Labour’s treatment of Diane Abbott shows the party at its most cruel | Letters

Readers respond to Labour’s investigation following the Hackney MP’s suspension from the party in April 2023, and the long delay in coming to a resolution

I read Maurice Mcleod’s article with interest (Labour’s shocking treatment of Diane Abbott could alienate Black voters for years to come, 29 May). I have supported Labour all my life. Like Diane Abbott, I am a black woman, I went to Cambridge University and I grew up in Hackney. And like Diane Abbott, I have faced discrimination for all of my working life.

I am not on the left on the Labour party – if anything my political views are more closely aligned with Keir Starmer’s. However, this does not matter. I feel the hurt and pain that Diane must be feeling – along with every black person in this country who has faced treatment which can be comfortably placed in the category headed racism. Her treatment by the Labour party is acting as a trigger for us all.

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