Laravel 11 Custom Component File Structure

Laravel 11 Custom Component File Structure

Would you like to create a component like this, or do you prefer to develop your own custom component in Laravel with a custom path?

Then you need to follow few steps

Step 1: Create a Service Provider

php artisan make:provider PackageServiceProvider

You can name it your own.

Step 2: Add Blade::componentNamespace(‘AppViewBackendComponents’, ‘backend’); on your boot() method


namespace AppProviders;

use IlluminateSupportFacadesBlade;
use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider;

class PackageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register services.
public function register(): void

* Bootstrap services.
public function boot(): void
Blade::componentNamespace(‘AppViewBackendComponents’, ‘backend’);

Step 3: Create a php file as per your file structure. I created my file here.


Step 4: Return your blade directive on render() method.


namespace AppViewBackendComponents;

use IlluminateViewComponent;
use IlluminateViewView;

class AdminSidebar extends Component
* Get the view / contents that represents the component.
public function render(): View
return view(‘backend.components.sidebar’);

Step 5: Create your blade file as you mentioned. For my case I added like this.


Step 6: Your Component setup is done. now you can access that component by this-

<x-backend::admin-sidebar />

Hope this will help you. Thank You.