Lending a helping hand to pet owners

Lending a helping hand to pet owners

Many people consider their pets as family members, so their welfare is an important part of the family’s focus. When financial challenges arise, keeping these pets fed can cause a stressful situation.

There is help available for qualified low-income families in Lake County through the assistance of Cause 4Paws Gary.

The nonprofit organization offers a monthly Pet Food Pantry and mobile vaccine truck to eligible recipients in Lake County.

Cause 4Paws Gary volunteer Karen Bramer (seated) registered Morgan Hardy (left) Jeremy Balduf at a recent Pet Food Pantry. (Sue Ellen Ross/Post-Tribune)

“This is awesome,” said Gary resident Morgan Hardy, as she registered at a recent Pet Pantry event.  “Many people need assistance; the community really needs to know about this.”

Dozens of people lined up in the parking lot of Beacon Light Church on Burr Street in Gary to receive items for their pets.

Displayed were dog food, cat food and litter, as well as pet toys.

Cause 4Paws volunteers Jim Dillion (left) and Devin Singh unpack pet food and other donations during a recent Pet Food Pantry. (Sue Ellen Ross/Post-Tribune)

The impetus to begin the food pantry came about when Cause 4Paws founder and CEO Michelle Robinson saw the need to assist those looking for help to feed their pets.

“I am a mobile pet groomer by trade. While out one day grooming dogs, I met an elderly gentleman who was feeding more cats than he could afford to care for,” she said. “During our conversation, I learned that he was a veteran with no family except for his cats.”

She also found that the man was in poor health and that he had been cutting back on his own food and medicine to feed his cats.

Robinson then approached her Board of Directors and discussed starting a Pet Food Pantry to help people in similar situations.

“We located a small grant that covered the start-up costs,” she added. “We are now assisting 60-90 residents per month with pet food and other supportive services.”

The food giveaway is a temporary support — lasting about 3-6 months — to help pet parents offset costs from an unexpected medical/household bill, or a reduction in income that would prevent them from feeding their pet.

The Pet Food Pantry is not intended for long term support, nor does it support adding additional animals to the family unit.

Cause 4Paws Gary volunteer Jim Dillion of Hobart joined the group two years ago.

One of the recipients told him about the organization, and his love of animals prompted him to offer his services.

“This (food giveaway) is a great thing,” he said, as he unloaded a large truck of donations. “It’s a good feeling to be able to help those who need it.”

Jeremy Balduf lives behind the parking lot of the church, which hosts the once-a-month pantry.

“One Sunday, I saw all these people outside and wondered what was going on,” he said. “I went over and found out and registered online.”

Online registration is required to participate each month, along with proof of assistance and a valid driver’s license.

In the past, the organization also offered low-cost vaccinations.

“The vet that we were working with suffered an illness that slowed her practice down,” Robinson said. “Extra clinics like ours were not possible for her.”

In 2021, Petco Love offered a grant program that provided free distemper/parvo vaccines for dogs and cats to help prevent the spread of deadly diseases in dogs and cats.

“We were excited to participate in the program to offer additional protection for pets,” Robinson said. “We were able to find another vet that supported our vision of the Access to Care clinic for low-income residents.”

Robinson is a pet lover to the highest degree.

She owns Clean Paws Mobile Grooming Salon, traveling to customers’ homes for pet grooming.

She also is serving as an advocate to develop a leash-free dog park in Gary.

That endeavor has been in the making for quite some time, but she is forging ahead with her dream.

“We are currently talking to the new Parks Director to finally bring this project to fruition,” she said. “We are looking forward to a positive update on the location.”

For more information about Cause 4Paws Gary, go online ahttps://www.cause4pawsgary.org.

Sue Ellen Ross is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune.