Letters: As a landlord, I can tell you three reasons rent control will always fail

Letters: As a landlord, I can tell you three reasons rent control will always fail

Re “No on Prop. 33. Expanding rent control will destroy California’s rental market“:

As a landlord of almost 30 years I am going to give reasons with examples as to why rent control will always fail:

1) If the owner can’t make a profit he/she will sell, and the next owner will raise the rent even more to recoup  their investment.

2) With rent control landlords will always raise the rent the allowable amount because everybody else is and fear that the government will impose even harsher measures.

3) I personally know of long term renters, some as much as 20 years, who were evicted because they were paying below market rent and the owner wanted to establish a new threshold base rent to start a new tenant’s lease under rent control.

— Karl Baysinger, Orange

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